Laravel Development Course


Course Overview

A Laravel course will cover topics such as installing the framework, the basics of an MVC architecture and how to use web frameworks. The course also teach learners how to : –
  • Setup and configure Laravel.
  • Use Laravel’s critical routing system.
  • Use Laravel’s Blade for managing views.
  • and Explore database management with Eloquent ORM.
  • Course Content

    Day  1 : Introduction to Laravel

    • Introduction to Laravel framework and its features
    • Setting up a local development environment (using tools like XAMPP or Laravel Homestead)
    • Creating a new Laravel project using Composer
    • Understanding the directory structure of a Laravel project
    • Introduction to Laravel’s routing system
    • Creating and testing routes

    Day  2 : Building Views and Blade Templating

    • Introduction to the Blade templating engine
    • Creating and organizing views in Laravel
    • Using Blade templates for layout and structure
    • Passing data from controllers to views
    • Using Blade directives for control structures and loops
    • Creating and using partial views (includes and components)

    Day  3 : Working with Controllers and Models

    • Creating and managing controllers in Laravel
    • Defining routes that invoke controller methods
    • Introduction to Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
    • Defining and using models to interact with the database
    • Performing basic CRUD operations with Eloquent
    • Validating user input using Laravel’s validation rules

    Day  4 : Managing Data and Relationships

    • Defining database migrations to create and modify tables
    • Seeding the database with sample data using seeders
    • Setting up and using database relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
    • Retrieving related data using Eloquent’s eager loading
    • Creating API resources for transforming model data
    • Building RESTful APIs with Laravel’s built-in tools

    Day  5 : Unit Testing and Deployment

    • Introduction to unit testing and its importance
    • Writing and executing PHPUnit tests in Laravel
    • Testing routes, controllers, models, and other components
    • Using factories and test databases for isolated testing
    • Continuous Integration (CI) and automated testing (e.g., GitHub Actions)
    • Introduction to deployment strategies (shared hosting, cloud platforms)
    • Configuring environment variables for different environments (local, production)
    • Deploying a Laravel application to a web server using tools like Laravel Forge or cloud platform services
    • Managing application updates and monitoring post-deployment

    Course Objective

    • Learn and master the skills of building high demand mobile applications using the latest technologies (Android Native).
    • Build portfolios and create projects that can open up job opportunities, or start a business (freelance).



    “If you get the chance to enter this bootcamp, consider yourself extremely lucky as they will groom you to have job ready skills. I have learnt a lot from this place.”

    Ahmad Faiz

    “I learned many things when I was with this company. such as HTML, CSS, and JS. 
    The staff also very friendly and comfortable to ask anything i wanted.”
