Java: Getting Started
Java is a popular programming language, which designed for having lesser implementation dependencies. It is widely used for developing Java applications in laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, etc.. If you are new to programming or just new to the language, this course will get you started coding in Java.
What you'll learn
If you’re learning to program for the first time, or if you’re coming from a different language, this course, Java: Getting Started, will give you the basics for coding in Java.
In this Java for Beginners course you’ll learn:
- The types of applications that can be built with Java, and the platforms they’ll run on.
- Next, you’ll explore the basics of Java, learning from plenty of Java examples.
- Lastly, you’ll put your Java knowledge to work and modify a project.
Table of contents
What is Java Quiz Use of Java Quiz
Quiz Main Quiz Semicolons in Java Quiz Quiz
Comments in Java Quiz Multiple lines Comments
Variables Quiz Constant Quiz
Data Types Quiz Data Types 2 Quiz
Data Size Quiz
Get user input Quiz Quiz
Introduction Add and Subtract Operations Quiz Multiplication and Division Operations Quiz Modulus Quiz
Optional conditional statement Quiz Quiz
Comparison Operator Quiz If, else if and else Quiz Quiz
Logical Operators Logical Operator AND Quiz Quiz Logical Operator OR Logical Operator NOT Quiz Repetitive conditional statement
Repetitive conditional statement (For loop) Quiz
Quiz While loop conditional statement
Do…while loop conditional statement Quiz Topical exercises
Introduction Syntax Error Quiz Runtime Error Quiz Logical Error Quiz Error Quiz
Introduction Array Structure Quiz Declaring an Array with an initial Value Access the data values found in the array Quiz Changing the data values found in the Array Calculating Array Length Quiz
Using Repetition (for loop) with Arrays Quiz Topical exercises
Course FAQ
Java is a widely used object-oriented programming language and software platform that runs on billions of devices.
In this course, you will learn all about Java programming for those who are completely new to programming, you will also learn about Java language techniques for those who are just new to Java.
Java is used as the server-side language for most back-end development projects, including those involving big data and Android development.
There are no prerequisites for this course. No prior Java knowledge is required.
This course is for anyone who wants to learn Java. Whether you are new to programming or new to Java, this course is for you.
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