Vue.js Development
- Certificate upon completion
- 5 lessons
- 5 days
Course Overview
This intensive course is designed to provide participants with a fast-paced introduction to Vue.js and Nuxt.js, powerful frameworks for building modern web applications. Whether you’re a web developer looking to quickly upskill or someone curious about Vue.js and Nuxt.js, this course will help you get up and running with these technologies.
Course Content
1. Introduction to Vue.js
- What is Vue.js and why use it?
- Setting up the development environment (Node.js, npm, Vue CLI)
- Creating your first Vue.js application
- Vue.js instance and data binding
- Vue directives (v-bind, v-model, v-for, v-if)
- Vue components and component communication
- Hands-on exercises and coding practice
2. Vue.js State Management with Vuex
- Why use Vuex for state management?
- Vuex store, state, getters, mutations, and actions
- Building a simple Vuex store
- Hands-on exercises and coding practice
- Connecting Vue components to the Vuex store
- Dispatching actions and updating state
- Organizing and structuring your Vuex store
- Hands-on exercises and coding practice
3. Introduction to Nuxt.js
- What is Nuxt.js and its advantages?
- Setting up a Nuxt.js project with Vue CLI
- Nuxt.js folder structure and pages
- Server-side rendering (SSR) in Nuxt.js
- Routing in Nuxt.js
- Creating dynamic routes and route parameters
- Navigating between pages with Nuxt.js
- Hands-on exercises and coding practice
4. Server-side Rendering with Nuxt.js
- Fetching data from an API in Nuxt.js
- Displaying data in your Nuxt.js app
- Implementing basic CRUD operations
- Error handling and loading indicatorsn:
- Styling your Vue.js and Nuxt.js app (CSS, CSS Modules, or SCSS)
- Optimizing performance with lazy loading and async components
- Testing Vue.js components (unit testing)
- Hands-on exercises and coding practice
5. Deployment and Conclusion
- Deploying your Vue.js and Nuxt.js app to a hosting service (e.g., Vercel, Netlify)
- Course wrap-up and Q&A
- Final project presentations
Course Objective
- Understand the fundamentals of Vue.js and its key concepts.
- Be able to create functional Vue.js applications from scratch.
- Know how to build server-rendered applications with Nuxt.js.
- Gain insights into state management with Vuex.
- Be equipped to build and deploy a simple Vue.js and Nuxt.js application.

“If you get the chance to enter this bootcamp, consider yourself extremely lucky as they will groom you to have job ready skills. I have learnt a lot from this place.”
Ahmad Faiz

“I learned many things when I was with this company. such as HTML, CSS, and JS.
The staff also very friendly and comfortable to ask anything i wanted.”